
Saturday, February 2, 2019

Short Reviews of RiffTrax Shorts: Aqua Frolics

It's Short Reviews of RiffTrax Shorts, our new series where the title is almost as long as the actual reviews!  We are going to take a look at a RiffTrax Short almost every day this year, until we run out of shorts.  That will get us through the majority of the year, so strap in for madness!

(Released September 29, 2008)

The timing for me to be reviewing Aqua Frolics is weirdly perfect.  As I write this, we are coming out of a polar vortex.  For this past week the entire state of Michigan has been shut down.  On Monday, we got almost a foot of snow dumped on us.  Every school and nearly every business was closed.  Tuesday, the schools were still closed.  Then on Wednesday we started getting temperatures around -40°F, and everything was closed.  Consumers Energy urged everyone to lower their thermostats to no higher than 65°F because of a fire at one of the main gas supply stations.  Most schools were closed the rest of the week.  It was crazy.

That brings us to today.  It is a balmy 32°F outside, and my wife has taken the girls to an indoor pool with some friends.  And here I am, reviewing Aqua Frolics.  It's just weird timing.

(I haven't even gotten to the review yet, and this is already the longest one of these I've done!)

Aqua Frolics is an ADHD-style look at things that people and animals do in the water.  Things like eating a turkey dinner at the bottom of a lake, feeding Minilla-sized sea turtles, cliff diving, and capsizing small canoes.  This short never focuses on one thing too long.  It's just one thing after another.

They do a great job with pacing the riffs here.  It would be easy to just let them rip as fast as you can to squeeze as many jokes in as possible, but that would just be too overwhelming and thankfully they don't fall into that.

Aqua Frolics gets a chilly four underwater basketball scores out of five.