(released April 2, 2008)
Are you popular? Do you even know why you aren't?
If you want to be popular and go out on dates, this short is the perfect tool for you. That is all this short is about.
According to this short, here is a list of things you should do to be popular:
- Write your dates down in a day planner.
- Don't ask someone out on a date for the later that evening.
- Plan what time to come home from your date ahead of time.
- Look well.
- Be friendly with everyone.
- Have a scarf that looks like mittens.
That's about it. If you can do these things, you too can be popular in 1947.
This is a good riff. The very first joke of the short—delivered by Bill—is exactly what I was thinking going into this short. There's also a good bit about the narrator wanting some loving. This Short is definitely worth ten minutes of your time.
I give Are You Popular four rejected Jerrys our of five.