
Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Halloween Movie Madness '17: The Dungeonmaster

October is finally here!  This year, it brings the long awaited return of Halloween Movie Madness!  I decided I needed to try and make this year special, so most of the movies on this year's list are films that I haven't seen before(and I will probably wish I never sat through half of them).


I've watched this movie countless times over the years thanks to a VHS copy I scored from a closing video store.  Now, I actually own this movie on DVD! It's part of a four pack from Scream Factory. I've never even heard of the other three movies, but they seem right up my alley.

When I put the movie in, I noticed something weird.  All my life, I remember the credits starting first thing.  On the DVD, however, we get a cold open.  I was confused, and was telling my wife that I didn't remember any of what we were seeing.  Paul (our hero), was chasing a woman through a bunch of corridors.  When he finally catches up to her, she immediately disrobes.  Completely naked.  I really think I would remember full frontal nudity like that.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Halloween Movie Madness '17: HauntedWeen

October is finally here!  This year, it brings the long awaited return of Halloween Movie Madness!  I decided I needed to try and make this year special, so most of the movies on this year's list are films that I haven't seen before(and I will probably wish I never sat through half of them).


When you think of Kentucky, what pops into your head?  Most people would say horses(or heroin).  Hopefully, after reading this, the first thing that comes to mind when you think Kentucky will be HauntedWeen (it was made in Bowling Green).

This is a movie that sticks with you.  Not because it was compelling, or extremely gory, or because it had any sort of message about society as a whole.  No, this will stick with you because you will be scratching your head about what you saw, or still laughing about how bad it was.  It's a terrible movie, but in all the right ways.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Halloween Movie Madness '17: The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra

October is finally here!  This year, it brings the long awaited return of Halloween Movie Madness!  I decided I needed to try and make this year special, so most of the movies on this year's list are films that I haven't seen before(and I will probably wish I never sat through half of them).

The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra

Lost Skeleton of Cadavra

The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra was released in 2001, but you wouldn't be able to tell that from watching the movie.  This movie is both a loving homage and parody of the cheaply made horror and sci-fi movies of the '50s.  They really hit the nail on the head here, especially with the dialogue.  It is redundant, obvious, and it feels poorly written.  In fact, they did such a good job with the writing that if you didn't know ahead of time what they were going for, you actually would just think it was poorly written.

Here now are six of my favorite moments from The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Halloween Movie Madness '17: The Darkest Hour

October is finally here!  This year, it brings the long awaited return of Halloween Movie Madness!  I decided I needed to try and make this year special, so most of the movies on this year's list are films that I haven't seen before(and I will probably wish I never sat through half of them).

The Darkest Hour

Last night brought us yet another movie I haven't seen before.  Unlike Them, this one was released a mere six years ago.

The Darkest Hour is a movie about two app developers traveling to Moscow to sell their app or secure funding or something like that.  The film doesn't do a great job of telling us the exact reason for their trip, just that it was about their app.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Halloween Movie Madness '17: THEM

October is finally here!  This year, it brings the long awaited return of Halloween Movie Madness!  I decided I needed to try and make this year special, so most of the movies on this year's list are films that I haven't seen before(and I will probably wish I never sat through half of them).


This year's Halloween Movie Madness is full of a bunch of movies I have never seen before, and three of those movies are about ants.  The first of the three, THEM, came out just over 20 years before I was born..

THEM is a movie that stars Marshall Matt Dillon (James Arness), Mark Twain (James Whitmore), and Santa Claus (Edmund Gwenn) facing off against giant, mutated, radioactive ants in New Mexico and Los Angeles.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Halloween Movie Madness '17: Frogs

October is finally here!  This year, it brings the long awaited return of Halloween Movie Madness!  I decided I needed to try and make this year special, so most of the movies on this year's list are films that I haven't seen before(and I will probably wish I never sat through half of them).


I've talked a little bit about Frogs before as a movie that would be perfect for RiffTrax, and I don't want to go on too much more about it.  I don't think I can help myself though!

The Official PBAndAwesome Halloween Party Playlist

Want to have the ultimate Halloween Party?  For that, you need the ultimate Halloween Playlist!  I have put together the single greatest playlist of Halloween music of all time.

We've got some Weird Al, Taco, Rifftones, MC Hammer, Will Smith, and Alice Cooper.  How can you go wrong with the likes of them?

Anything you think we should add to the playlist?  Let us know if you think there's something we missed!

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Halloween Movie Madness '17: The Final Girls

October is finally here!  This year, it brings the long awaited return of Halloween Movie Madness!  I decided I needed to try and make this year special, so most of the movies on this year's list are films that I haven't seen before(and I will probably wish I never sat through half of them). 

The Final Girls

Our fourth movie for HMM '17 is one that I discovered through some random list on Imgur.  It sounded interesting from the little blurb that was posted, so I thought I would give it a shot.

I am glad I did, because this movie is an incredible subversion of the Summer Camp Slasher genre.  In The Final Girls, a group of friends is at a theater for a special anniversary screening of Camp Bloodbath, a Summer Camp Slasher movie.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Halloween Movie Madness 2017: Teenage Space Vampires

October is finally here!  This year, it brings the long awaited return of Halloween Movie Madness!  I decided I needed to try and make this year special, so most of the movies on this year's list are films that I haven't seen before(and I will probably wish I never sat through half of them). 

Another night, another movie I know next to nothing about!  Not for a lack of trying, though.  There just didn't seem to be a lot of information on this movie.  I had a hell of a time just trying to find a trailer for it. What I found was two trailers that used the same footage, but had a different voice over.  In one, the movie was Darkness.  In the other, Teenage Space Vampires.  My DVD is titled Darkness: The Teen Space Vampire Saga.

Already I'm confused.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Halloween Movie Madness 2017: The Grapes of Death

October is finally here!  This year, it brings the long awaited return of Halloween Movie Madness!  I decided I needed to try and make this year special, so most of the movies on this year's list are films that I haven't seen before(and I will probably wish I never sat through half of them). 

The Grapes of Death (Les Raisins de la Mort)

Day two of HMM, and I'm still in unknown territory!

Today's movie is The Grapes of Death (or the original French title Les Raisins de la Mort).  This was another used DVD that I found at a store and just bought, because how could I pass it up?

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Halloween Movie Madness 2017: Shock Waves

October is finally here!  This year, it brings the long awaited return of Halloween Movie Madness!  I decided I needed to try and make this year special, so most of the movies on this year's list are films that I haven't seen before(and I will probably wish I never sat through half of them). 

Shock Waves
Shock Waves Movie Poster

This year, I decided I would start things off with a movie starring two of the greats: Peter Cushing and John Carradine.  All I know about this movie is that it is about underwater Nazi zombies.  Other than that, I'm going in blind, folks!