Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Bottom Shelf Munchies Episode 2: Shredded Squid

Welcome to the Bottom Shelf Munchies video series!  Our Bottom Shelf Crew is dumb enough to try out these odd treats just so you don't have to!  What have we done?

As the Bottom Shelf Crew decides to go boldly into the cuisine world unknown you can join us every Monday for our latest series: Bottom Shelf Munchies!

Want to know what it's like to eat fish-food?  Well, we got to find out. :(  I'm glad I'm not a fish...

Editor's Note: This was originally going to be the first video in the series, but we decided after filming to make it the second video after our special Ghostbusters treats review.

This is Sherry (Linksliltri4ce) from The Legend of Cosplay signing off for PB&Awesome.
Until next time: Hut!  HYAAA!