Lately, I have been watching gobs of RiffTrax and Mystery Science Theater 3000 episodes. I started thinking about the potential of making some BSM recipes themed around some of these movies and shorts that I have been watching. Then I realized that these films didn't deserve drinkable recipes. These films are rejects, and deserve drinks that are down on their level.
Welcome to part one of Bad Movies, Worse Drinks.

- 4 oz Pizza Sauce
- 2 oz Crystal Palace Vodka
- Parmesan Cheese
- Crazy Bread
Gently sprinkle some parmesan cheese on top of the drink, and garnish with a stick of crazy bread.
Sip, don't chug! The Master does not approve of chugging, of chugging.

- 2 oz El Matador Tequila
- 6 oz Flint Water
What happens to your stomach still won't be as depressing as the movie.

- 3 oz Brut Natural Champagne
- 2 oz Brigadier Gin
- 1/8 tsp Powdered Lemonade Drink Mix
- 4 Sugar Packets
- 1 spray Brut Cologne
Finish off the drink with a spritz of the cologne.
Twitter user @MST3K_4_Life gave us this rejected drink recipe:
— Lynn Knott (@MST3K_4_Life) February 3, 2016
Be on the lookout for part two, coming soon!